a bélflóránk és egészségünk összefüggései

Glutént? köszönöm, nem

Glutént? köszönöm, nem

Tudod mik a neurotoxinok?

2013. január 31. - at17



Neurotoxinok, hiperaktivitás és figyelemzavar



Bacteria, Protozoa and Viruses all have Ligand binding proteins or Lectins. Wheat, Corn, Rice and other foods also contain attaching Ligands, all can bond to pesticides and other neurotoxins. Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA), Amylopectin and starches found in Corn and Rice are ALL attaching Ligands which all attach and carry toxins.

If it's not ORGANIC you should avoid products containing WGA, Amylopectin and starches. The article states: "WGA can cross the blood brain barrier through a process known as absorptive endocytosis pulling other substances with it." The WGA of today is most often chemically contaminated WITH NEUROTOXINS. The systemic pesticides Temik and Imidacloprid are the two worst culprits and should have never been allowed to enter the food supply they are both known neurotoxins capable of producing a wide array of neurological symptoms.

Pesticides are highly concentrated in the seed of treated plants. Pesticides and other chemicals are most concentrated in wheat gluten ( WGA) which is an attaching Ligand found in the Kernel or germ of the seed. There are over sixteen different hazardous chemical residues found in wheat. Newer systemic pesticides are now being found more frequently in foods than ever before.

WGA binds to N-Acetylglucosamine which functions as an atypical neurotransmitter functioning in nociceptive (pain) pathways. WGA also binds to Sialic acid residues, in fact WGA has an affinity for Glycans (Poly and Oligosaccharides) and other chemical materials. Polyglycoside surfactants used as spreader stickers for pesticides sprayed on wheat also attach to WGA. Most importantly WGA Ligands attach to PESTICIDES. Ligand attaching molecules have an affinity for attaching to polysaccharides, metals, metalloids, chemicals and pesticides. Endocrine disruption may be a result.

Any study that has not analyzed the chemical content and makeup of the food fed it's subjects is bogus and conclusions drawn do not represent nor are they based in science.

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