Nagyon érdekes cikkeket találtok itt a bélflóránk és egészségünk kapcsolatáról:
Mi a kapcsolat a testben lévő gyulladás, a megfelelő diéta, bélbaktériumok és krónikus betegségek között?
Gut Flora and Immunity
A kukorica is tartalmaz káros glutént, melyek hasonlóan a búzához kárt okoznak a szervezetben.
Two forms of corn gluten were found to stimulate an immune reaction is patients with gluten intolerance. In a published report, the scientists stated:
some maize prolamins (zeins) contain amino acid sequences that resemble the wheat gluten immunodominant peptides…Results concur to indicate that relative abundance of these zeins, along with factors affecting their resistance to proteolysis, may be of paramount clinical relevance, and the use of maize in the formulation and preparation of gluten-free foods must be reevaluated in some cases of celiac disease.
This is not the first research study that has identified corn glutens as detrimental. It is just the most recent.
Gluten free substitute products are full of corn and corn byproducts. For a comprehensive list of corn based ingredients go here <<< Aside from containing a detrimental form of gluten, corn is not a healthy staple food. As a matter of fact, the U.S. government banned the sale of processed corn products in 1943 because they induce B-vitamin deficiency disease. Today, this grain must be fortified with synthetic B-vitamins before being sold. Does that sound healthy to you?
Okozhat autimust, izületi gyulladást, krónikus köhögést, orrfolyást az élelmiszer érzékenység, allergia?
Food Sensitivity, Allergy, Elimination Diet | Food Intolerance, Symptoms, Healing
When I was trying to heal myself, I had a very clean lifestyle, but my health still did not improve. That’s because I had multiple hidden food sensitivities.
Food allergies are uncommon, but it has been estimated that 75% of the population has hidden food sensitivities.
A food allergy produces an immediate, sometimes life threatening reaction, such as anaphylactic shock, which suddenly cuts off the wind pipe when an allergic food is ingested. Doctors seem to know all about these and what to do about them, but they know little about food sensitivities. That is because food sensitivities are not life-threatening, can be subtle and have no immediate effect for up to five days after the offending food is eaten. Most of my symptoms of food sensitivity do not show up for at least twenty-four hours after I’ve eaten the offensive food. Since I eat dozens of different foods in a day, this can make it very difficult to figure out what food is causing the problem.
Instead of being life-threatening, most symptoms of food sensitivity are just plain annoying, causing endless pain and suffering over the long haul, especially if one ingests the offending food on a daily basis.
Food sensitivity can also masquerade as almost any other common problem, as well as some very serious and/or life threatening problems, such as lupus, arthritis, or autism.
In fact, the symptoms are so varied as to be easily misdiagnosed as a common illness that we are told has no known cause. A great example of this are migraine headaches. Although there can be multiple causes for migraines, I've read that they are caused by food intolerance 80% of the time. With migraines, the link is often with the gut, which must be healed before the problem will be completely erradicated. The toxic conditions most commonly associated with food sensitivity are skin rashes and hives, bad breath, constipation, sinus congestion, runny nose, itchy eyes and ears, chronic cough, stiff neck, joint pain, sore throat, headache, back ache, atherosclerosis, asthma, and angina pectoris.
és mé együnk?
Neurotoxinok, hiperaktivitás és figyelemzavar
Bacteria, Protozoa and Viruses all have Ligand binding proteins or Lectins. Wheat, Corn, Rice and other foods also contain attaching Ligands, all can bond to pesticides and other neurotoxins. Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA), Amylopectin and starches found in Corn and Rice are ALL attaching Ligands which all attach and carry toxins.
If it's not ORGANIC you should avoid products containing WGA, Amylopectin and starches. The article states: "WGA can cross the blood brain barrier through a process known as absorptive endocytosis pulling other substances with it." The WGA of today is most often chemically contaminated WITH NEUROTOXINS. The systemic pesticides Temik and Imidacloprid are the two worst culprits and should have never been allowed to enter the food supply they are both known neurotoxins capable of producing a wide array of neurological symptoms.
Pesticides are highly concentrated in the seed of treated plants. Pesticides and other chemicals are most concentrated in wheat gluten ( WGA) which is an attaching Ligand found in the Kernel or germ of the seed. There are over sixteen different hazardous chemical residues found in wheat. Newer systemic pesticides are now being found more frequently in foods than ever before.
WGA binds to N-Acetylglucosamine which functions as an atypical neurotransmitter functioning in nociceptive (pain) pathways. WGA also binds to Sialic acid residues, in fact WGA has an affinity for Glycans (Poly and Oligosaccharides) and other chemical materials. Polyglycoside surfactants used as spreader stickers for pesticides sprayed on wheat also attach to WGA. Most importantly WGA Ligands attach to PESTICIDES. Ligand attaching molecules have an affinity for attaching to polysaccharides, metals, metalloids, chemicals and pesticides. Endocrine disruption may be a result.
Any study that has not analyzed the chemical content and makeup of the food fed it's subjects is bogus and conclusions drawn do not represent nor are they based in science.
Az autizmus visszafordítható?
Nagyon érdekes cikk az autizmus és a Lyme kór összefüggéseiről:
Patients diagnosed with Lyme disease share many of the same physical manifestations as those diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). In this study four male children (ages 26–55months) who have an ASD diagnosis and one male child (age 18
months) who displayed behaviors consistent with an ASD, were assessed using the SCERTS Assessment Process Observation (SAP-O) form. The SAP-O meets state and federal requirements for providing a comprehensive, ongoing assessment of a child with an ASD [33]. The SAP-O form measures children’s abilities using observational, authentic assessment procedures in the domains of joint attention, symbol use, mutual regulation, and self regulation via observations of specific behaviors in familiar settings [33]. The five children tested positive for Lyme disease and their SAP-O score was evaluated before and after 6
months of antibiotic therapy. Each child was prescribed 200
mg of amoxicillin three times per day and three of the five children were prescribed an additional 50
mg of Azithromycin once per day. All of the children’s scores on the SAP-O assessment improved after 6
months of antibiotic therapy. The assessors also reported anecdotal data of improved speech, eye contact, sleep behaviors, and a reduction of repetitive behaviors.
gluténmentes étkezés
Gondolatok, gondolatébresztők, hogy továbbgondold és változtass.
Miért közvetlen hatású méreg beleinkben a glutén?