a bélflóránk és egészségünk összefüggései

Glutént? köszönöm, nem

Glutént? köszönöm, nem

Fermentált élelmiszerek

2014. július 03. - at17

Nagyon érdekes cikkeket találtok itt a bélflóránk és egészségünk kapcsolatáról:


Mi a kapcsolat a testben lévő gyulladás, a megfelelő diéta, bélbaktériumok és krónikus betegségek között?



Gut Flora and Immunity

Twenty years ago I read a curious description of leprosy that said that the course of infection could be either innocuous or devastating depending on whether the aggressive or the suppressive part of the immune system dominated. I remained perplexed until I realized that diet and gut flora were the major determinants. I was aware of the importance of diet at the outset of this blog, because it was clear that diet trumped genetics. I was also aware thirty years ago in my studies of passive immunity, that milk contained bifidus factor, now known to be milk oligosaccharides, that controlled the growth of Lactobacilli that in turn controlled the development of the neonate immune system. It was also known that bacteria-free mice had impaired immune systems. It still took me several years for the relationship between diet, gut flora and immunity to make sense. I began searching the literature for connections between gut flora and development of the immune system and soon noted experiments that linked filamentous bacteria with aggressive components and Clostridium spp. with Tregs. A further refinement was linking resistant starch, a soluble fiber, with Clostridium.


My Current Views are Summarized in Three Health Diagrams



Diet, Gut Flora, Inflammation, Antigen Presentation, Tregs and Autoimmunity


Protein from the body and from food don’t normally stimulate the immune system, because there in no inflammation, the proteins lack basic triplets that enhance presentation, and antibody production and aggressive T cells are suppressed by Tregs. Diet can throw the balance toward autoimmunity and allergy, by producing inflammation, e.g. hyperglycemia/AGE or high omega-6 fatty acids/prostaglandins, and starving gut flora needed for Treg production by eating processed food lacking soluble fiber. The combination of inflammation and Treg deficiency causes proteins, either self or potential allergens, which have basic triplets to be presented to the immune system and stimulates attack by the immune system.



The Cure is to Cool Inflammation and Stimulate Tregs with Diet and Bacteria


I have provided an outline with The Anti-Inflammatory Diet to avoid inflammation, to stimulate existing gut flora with soluble fiber and encourage Treg production. Mark Sisson, on Mark’s Daily Apple has provided an excellent dietary guide that also provides starch guidelines. If you already have symptoms of autoimmune disease or allergies, then Richard Nikoley provides gut flora repair advice on Free the Animal, and Dr. B G provides more details on Animal Pharm.



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